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Graduating Seniors

This section will walk you through removing the students who will be graduating and not returning at the end of the school year.

Written by Kevin Gillmor
Updated over a week ago

This routine will deactivate the selected students and zero out their accounts.


*Run a student statement for all seniors to make sure you have a record of the balances before graduating them.

  • Logging into FSS Admin

  • Click Schools on the left.

  • Double click the school(s) containing the students who need to be deactivated.

  • Click on 'Graduate Seniors'.

  • This will display a message with all of the grades available. Click on the appropriate one and select OK.

  • A screen will appear listing the students in that grade

  • Select the box in the graduate column for all of those students who will not be returning or click Select All at the bottom left to Select all of the students at once.Any student not graduating can be unchecked.

  • You must select Print Report to continue. This will display a list of the students selected so you can print it for future reference.

  • Select Save Results. You will receive a message telling you that you will zero out the accounts and delete them. Click Yes to continue.

  • When the process has completed, you will receive a message saying Process Complete, Select Ok to continue.

  • Select Close to close this screen and go back to the School options.

  • Select Close to Close the school options screen.

  • You will be able to reactivate an account after it has been deleted, but the balance will be 0.

  • This routine will also remove the grade assignment and alter the id and pin of each student.

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